Tailor made Cuba tours & trips

Let us create your dream Cuba experience for you!

Are you pas­sion­ate about danc­ing, cook­ing or learn­ing Span­ish? You are about to dive into a REAL trav­el expe­ri­ence based on your spe­cial inter­ests. Whether you pre­fer adven­ture trav­el (Scu­ba div­ing, snor­kel­ing, spelunk­ing), explor­ing nature (hik­ing and trekking, horse­back rid­ing, bird watch­ing), cul­tur­al and his­toric trav­el (art, music and dance, span­ish lessons, culi­nary arts, archi­tec­ture, Cuban his­to­ry and rev­o­lu­tion) or just a roman­tic set­ting for your hon­ey­moon… Cuba has it all and we can design a tour espe­cial­ly for you and your com­pa­ny that will fit your needs and ful­fill your wishes!

Skydream Travel custom tour - Cuban drink tasting in a pub in Havana
Skydream Travel custom tours into Cuba wilderness
Skydream Travel custom tours for honeymooners and newly weds
Skydream Travel custom tours - festival and dance performances
Skydream Travel custom tours for honeymooners and newly weds

We are your dedicated team in Cuba

You can be con­fi­dent that our team will take good care of you in Cuba. Be assured that only the most expe­ri­enced tour guides will show you around and if any prob­lems arise we will do our best to solve them.

What to expect

A unique tailor made travel itinerary


Accommodation to suit your budget


Expert guides with insider info about Cuba


Local contacts


Fine dining & nightlife activities proposals


Unique off the usual path natural wonders & wildlife


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