Old Havana Shopping Tour

From: $47 Inc. VAT

Have fun by shopping souvenirs in Old Havana

Tour at a glance

Tour type

Days of operation


Start time

9:00 a.m.

End time

12:00 noon





Meals included


Drinks included


Minimum participants


About the tour

Let your­self be seduced by the mag­i­cal colo­nial Cuban aro­mas by vis­it­ing places full of fla­vors and fra­grances with the old charm, and try the best cig­ar in the world, the Habano.

  • Vis­it to the Taque­chel Phar­ma­cy, a place where nat­ur­al prod­ucts from med­i­c­i­nal plants are offered.
  • Vis­it to the Havana 1791 per­fume shop which has a wide choice of colo­nial aro­mas, sou­venir included.
  • Vis­it to Cig­ar Hotel, where you will meet the roller of the house and you will taste a Habano cig­ar accom­pa­nied by Cuban cof­fee and aged rum.
  • Vis­it to the Per­fume Muse­um, where exquis­ite cologne flasks with exclu­sive fra­grances, oils and aro­mat­ic can­dles are dis­played and offered.
  • Shop­ping pos­si­bil­i­ties in the spe­cial­ized shops of these places.

Old Havana Shopping Tour Main Attractions

Taquechel Pharmacy

This used to be a for­mer home that was reformed in 1898 as an impor­tant phar­ma­cy. At present it has a large col­lec­tion of 19th cen­tu­ry French porce­lain jars, as well as phar­ma­cy and lab­o­ra­to­ry equip­ment. Nat­ur­al prod­ucts for ther­au­peu­tic use and home­o­path­ic prod­ucts are on sale.

1791 Havana Perfume Shop

It offers aro­mas that were born out of the city’s patios and streets of cen­turies ago. Colognes and nat­ur­al waters born out of the mix­ture of essen­tial oils and mac­er­a­tion of stems, petals and leaves are the main offers of this shop that is named after the date in which the palace of the Cap­tain-Gen­er­al was inaugurated.



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