Cuba tours, excursions & activities with daily departures

Are you look­ing for the best things to do in Cuba? Just pick the tour or activ­i­ty that match­es your inter­ests and expe­ri­ence Cuba by doing things you love!
Book your tour

Cuba tours, excursions & activities with daily departures

Expe­ri­ence Cuba by doing things you love!
Book your tour

Book your accommodation in Cuba!


Join a group tour or go on a private tour with your family or friends

Group tours

Join a fun group and meet oth­er inter­est­ing trav­el­ers from all over the world that are eager to explore Cuba just like you!

Private tours

Are you trav­el­ing with your friends, fam­i­ly or col­leagues and are look­ing for a pri­vate tour with a pri­vate tour guide?

Tailor made tours

Would you like a cus­tom tour based on your spe­cial inter­ests and trav­el pref­er­ences? We are real­ly excit­ed to make it happen!

Our tours departure points in Cuba

Skydream Cuba Tours departure points shown in Cuba map
Unlock Your Cuban Dream: Sky­dream’s Insid­er Trav­el Scoop 

Ready for an adven­ture you won’t for­get? Sub­scribe to Sky­dream’s Insid­er Trav­el Scoop! We’re your go-to source for exclu­sive trav­el deals, insid­er tips, and the sto­ries that’ll make you wish you were sip­ping a Piña Cola­da in a Cuban plaza right now. Think of us as your per­son­al trav­el jour­nal, with way bet­ter recommendations! 

Mar­ket­ing by 

Marianna & Tolis


Thank you Sky­dream for orga­niz­ing our dream hon­ey­moon. We had an amaz­ing time in Cuba!

Cuba Hon­ey­moon

Kalliopi & Andreas


Even the most trav­eled tourist guide was impressed by the care­free way of Cuban life!

Cuba Road Trip

Giannis & Xenia


Fan­tas­tic sights, fan­tas­tic nature, fan­tas­tic peo­ple… A true life expe­ri­ence, we loved every moment!

Cuba Hon­ey­moon

Despoina & Sotiria


Cuba is a place where noth­ing is to be tak­en for grant­ed. In Cuba the phrase “when you have noth­ing, you have noth­ing to loose” makes per­fect sense…

Cuba Road Trip

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